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Favorite Part of Job? I love the environment that I am practicing in and the more personal level of care I can provide for my patients. It embodies what I enjoy about Vermont: the people and quality of life.

Most Inspiring Mentor: There are so many! Someone who has always inspired me is Megan Frenzen. She has an MBA, PhD, and a degree from LSE. Impressive by itself, but it's her dedication to her friends and family, the local community and the global community that inspires me to push myself to so more.

Tell us something fun about yourself that few people know: I know how to dance the traditional Garba dance from India.

Favorite Hobby: I have too many of these too. During the summer, I work with my family a lot in the garden, and we bike and go on the lake. During the winter, we watch a lot of hockey, and ski and snowshoe.

Favorite Vermont Escape: During the summer it would be Shelburne Farms and the lake. There is always something to do and see and we have to take advantage of our two weeks of summer!

Favorite Social Media: I don't really have a favorite.

Favorite Website: Pinterest- what a great way to collaborate ideas about things that mean a lot, or just a little, in our lives from all over the world without prejudice or judgement. Wish I had thought of that one.

Vermont Business Person you would like to have lunch with:  Raj Bhakta- incredibly charismatic and with a great eye for business (and I like the whiskey)!

Community Involvement: I think the changes that can be the most meaningful happen on the local level. I have enjoyed my time on the Shelburne Selectboard because it involves my neighbors working together to find solutions to issues within our town. I like that myself and others are just as likely to see each other in the meetings as we are at the Shelburne Market or La Villa. It gives a heightened accountability that can be missing in larger scale politics.


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